Vanity is a sin

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Photo from

One should always feel grateful for what they have.
Vanity is a vice.
"You are beautiful, no matter what they say."


Steroid Abuse in Man

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Take a look at this picture.
"You'd be surprised to know how many American teenagers are abusing steroids every day. Not only high school athletes, but also average teenagers who are looking to improve their image and self-esteem through steroid use.

By using steroids these teens are throwing their bodies out of natural balance, seriously compromising their health.
In an attempt to curb use in the high school setting we hoped to gain insight into the mindset of an average teenager in order to present the facts about steroids in an interesting and relevant manner. Our method of presentation is to compare steroids to other illicit and non-illicit drugs, to capture the attention of the adolescents and let them see that steroids can be just as dangerous as any other drug. this project will serve as a tool to educate the youth about steroid risks."

A true story on steroid abuse

"Needle Nightmare
At my gym, steroids were easy to get. I figured that they were no big deal, so I tried a cycle during my sophomore year wrestling season in high school. I bought a bottle of testosterone and a syringe. I only wanted to have one syringe in my house because a bottle and a syringe is pretty easy to hide, but ten syringes would be pretty difficult, because I still live with my parents. Everyone told me that I needed to use a different needle every time I injected but I thought I could just heat the needle up over a flame and it would be sterile. After a few weeks of shooting into my shoulder it started to get swollen and looked weird. Then one day at wrestling practice, the place on my shoulder where I usually inject started to hurt and feel hot. My coach looked at it, and he thought it was badly infected, so we went to the hospital. When I was there, I had to tell the doctor how I got the infection, and my coach found out that I was using steroids, and he told my parents. I got suspended from school for a week and the wrestling team for the rest of the season and all the kids in my school found out too.

-Anonymous "

Youth should be aware that steroid abuse causes massive health effects.
They shouldn't ruin their health just to look good, seriously.
It's just not worth it.

Alright, toodles!
